Adriatic IPA

Training and mobility in KeyQ

TRAINING CURRICULA DEVELOPMENT: this activity is expected to design, share, discuss and assess the pedagogical plan for all training modules and sessions to be performed during the project for the A) training and exchange of trainers (see act. 4.2), B) the exchange of students (see Act. 4.3); C)  for the awareness raising and education to quality food and responsible eating of local quality products (km 0), and cooking classes addressed to students and citizens in general (see Act.4.4); D) qualification of the economic stakeholders (see Act. 4.5) through training sessions, exchange of experiences and informative-educational leaflets. 

VILLAGGIO DEL FANCIULLO is responsible for the pedagogical plan definition, in cooperation with SCF. The pedagogical plan includes the methodological approach, besides the content structure and the organizative guidelines for each curricula. AZRRI cooperates by providing for contents and scientific supervisioning for the specialistic sessions/lessons/classes on the preparation and cooking of typical products. Each partner contribute to discussion and assessment of training curricula.

TRAINING FOR TEACHERS/TRAINERS in the hospitality and agro-food sector: A) VISITS FOR THE EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTISES among hotel and tourism institutions (trainers/professors/cooks): 2 visit (4 days each) in IT by groups of 10 professors from the other countries involved. Each group as project work ideates a new recipe with the typical product; B) THREE SPECIALISTIC SEMINARS (respectively about meat, pasta and cheese with examples of cooking and preparing typical products) per Country (IT-HR-BiH) held by a Joint Cross-border Training Team for the development of competences in the valorisation of typical products, targeting cooking trainers (at least 3 schools involved) open as well to local restaurants and agro-tourisms

Action A): Villaggio del Fanciullo is responsible for the cross-border coordination of the visits for the exchange of good practises; for each visit, the partner from the hosting Country organises meetings and interventions in the host Country, as well as meals; partners from the sending Countries organise and pay travel and hotel costs and they select participants to be involved in the visits. Action B) AZRRI is responsible for scientific supervision; each Country coordinator is responsible for the development and implementation of the seminars in its Country; 


CROSS-BORDER STUDENTS (MULTILATERAL) MOBILITY (students exchange among tourism/catering and hospitality schools/ vocational training centres): 1 flow to IT (which gathers the best students of catering schools from HR and BiH) + 1 flow to HR (involving students from IT and BiH). On average, 2 best students and a professor or tutor per school are selected and involved in groups of 12 people per visit.The visit is expected to last 5 days (travel included). During  the exchange, each group, as project work, has the task of "creating"  a new recipe with the typical product. Back home, students disseminate acquired knowledge within their schools.

VILLAGGIO DEL FANCIULLO is responsible for the coordination of mobilities. Each Country coordinator selects /has already selected schools to be involved (as sendig and hosting institutions) and final beneficiaries. Each host institution organises training activities in the Country of destination, as well as meals; partners from the sending Countries organise and pay travel and hotel costs.


AWARENESS RAISING / DISSEMINATION on responsible eating of local quality products (km 0) through schools/VET centres: a learning module is developed  and made an educational / informative brochure on food quality, local  production and consumer awareness. The module is provided to all schools and the brochure distributed to each of them; The brochure is produced in 2 versions: 1 for adult beneficiaries; 1 for young beneficiaries.
LOCAL PRODUCT DISHES COOKING CLASSES FOR CITIZENS (In Istria, at the didactic  "teaching kitchen" in the WP3 kitchen; in other Countries, in the didactic kitchens of training centres specialised in catering courses).

VILLAGGIO DEL FANCIULLO is responsible for the production of the didactic material (brochure) to be distributed to final beneficiaries. Each Country coordinator select schools to be involved and final beneficiaries. It also organise and carry out the awareness raising local activities and local cooking classes for citizens.


QUALIFICATION OF THE ECONOMIC STAKEHOLDERS. Besides act.4.2B), economic stakeholders are involved in: A) a VISIT in HR and IT (5 days in total) FOR THE EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTISES. The visit is organised with unions and public-private associations dealing with the typical products protection and promotion and it involves representatives from different institutions: producers, restaurateurs, units of local self-governments for a total indicative number of 12-15 people.
B) the CREATION OF AN INFORMATIVE-EDUCATIONAL LEAFLET to be distributed to subjects and stakeholders from the agro tourism and hospitality industry. The leaflet concerns the promotion of the use of quality productions and of the rural and food culture connected to the territory.

Villaggio del Fanciullo is responsible for the visit (point A) in IT e HR (in collaboration with AZRRI and Region of Istria). Villaggio del Fanciullo is also responsible for the creation of the informative-educational leaflet (point B) to be distributed in electronic format. Each Country coordinator will distribute the leaflet to interested subject in its Country.


Feasibility study and pilot actions for “Learning farms/City farms” in Istria and Herzegovina, to be connected to the Italian ones. The activity is articulated as follow: A) 1 feasibility study about the set up of Learning farms in HR and BiH; B) 1 study visit in Italy for 9 HR and BiH participants; C) 2 pilot actions in HR and BiH (i.e. how prepare the pasta). A local tutor is trained. He'll support the learning farm pilot actions.

the Tourist Board of West Herzegovinian Canton is responsible for the activity. Villaggio del Fanciullo collaborates in the organisation of the study visit in Italy (including meals). HR and BiH Country coordinators coordinate the participants from their Countries (including the organisation and payments for travel and accomodation). HR and BiH Country coordinators are responsible for the pilot actions in their Country and for the training of the Learning farm tutor.